Creation Justice Small Group

Next Meeting: January 21st

Our Green Team is starting up again this upcoming year! We will be seeking to lower our energy usage by 5-25% while making our building and practice more sustainable. We’ll be meeting twice a month to tackle these goals on Tuesdays at 7 pm!

Kid’s Sunday School

Now in Session thru Jan. 26th!

We are excited to offer two Sunday School classes this year for kids ages 4 and up, in 3-week sessions. Our current session runs through Jan. 26th!

During worship, our kids are invited to go to Sunday school after passing the peace. On non-Sunday School weeks, there’s Children’s Time and a kids’ bulletin — plus regular nursery care every week.

Serve A Meal At The Crib

January 25th

"The Crib" is an overnight space for 21 young people, ages 18- 24, to eat good food, get a good night’s sleep and be part of an affirming community. As partners of the Night Ministry, we volunteer to prepare meals for The Crib and our next date is coming up on Jan. 25th. Can you volunteer to prepare a meal?

Volunteers will plan a meal, buy their own groceries, prepare the meal at your own location and bring the food to the Crib. Please prepare enough for 30 people. Folks are hungry so seconds are great! The Crib is located at 1735 N Ashland Ave, near the end of the 606. For more info on volunteering, or to sign up, click here