Playing with Fire
Talking about religion is like playing with fire.* Used to be, you weren’t even supposed to discuss it in polite company. Well, at Bethany we’re not just talking about it: we’re trying to put it into practice. We’re trying to find out what Christian faith might still mean — even now, especially now. We’re trying to live like Jesus and follow a 2000 year old tradition. In the meantime, we’re getting our grubby little fingers all over it. And it’s true: it is dangerous to engage faith like that.
Someone could get offended.
Someone could get hurt.
Someone could get it all very wrong.
Play with fire and you’re gonna get burned. But if you never strike a match:
Someone could get left out in the cold.
Someone might never know the light a life and community of faith can provide.
Someone might be desperately lonely, with no place to gather and huddle up with friends.
So this February, we’re taking the risk. We’re playing with fire. We’re inviting kids to play with fire (whose idea was this?) — training our first young acolytes in years, in short sessions after worship each week. We’re building kid-centered services, and you can just imagine all the ways that could go sideways. But we think it’s worth it. For their sake and for our own.
Come fan the flames with us.
Find us Sundays mornings at 10:30 am in the sanctuary or online!
Sign up for the weekly email to stay in touch, for links, and the latest on everything we’re up to.
* Professor Margaret Mitchell, Univ. of Chicago
Creation Justice Small Group
Every other Tuesday
Join us twice a month on Tuesdays from 7-8 pm to tackle reducing our energy usage, planning our gardening, learning about Chicago green initiatives and just being in community with other people who love creation. Our Green Team is a member of the Thriving Faith Program through Faith in Place!
Playing With Fire!
After Church Worship Workshop for Kids
For the month of February, we want to invite the children of Bethany to help lead worship! We're going to teach the kids how to acolyte (light the candles) and help with other parts of the worship service. We'll gather after church each week in February for about 15 minutes for a little lesson and practice. Then the kids will be invited to help each week with at least one part of worship (if they want). Please join us!
Art as|for|in Community
Thursdays in March
A mural in a Metra station. A mosaic on a school building. A sculpture in a park. Art is everywhere. But unfortunately, life gets so busy that it's easy to forget about it. We've likely passed public artwork without taking the time to fully appreciate the beauty and truth they offer, and the thoughtful labor behind its genius.
Join Kelli in March to explore Chicago public artwork through contemplative prayer, conversation and artistic expression, finding out what Art as Community, Art for Community and Art in Community means. Sign up for one or all four Thursdays using the QR code!