Keep the Fire Going: 2020 pledge campaign

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Dear Bethany Members and Friends,

Last month, Rachelle and I went backpacking in the Porcupine Mountain Wilderness. One afternoon we got to our campsite early, and with nothing else to do, we gathered an absurd amount of wood and started a fire. And for the next 7-and-a-half hours, we slowly fed branch after branch into the flames. Our fire warmed us up, gave us light at night, and provided us with lots of time to sit silently and stare into the coals.

Bethany United Church of Christ is that kind of place. It’s tended with our time and our gifts. And God shapes it all to offer us warmth, light, and space to reflect. We use our lives to create it, and it’s here to save the lives of those who need it. Physical refugees making a new home in Chicago and spiritual refugees seeking a home where they can be loved as they are. Those who are hungry for a hot breakfast and those who are hungry for connection and faith. 

Your gifts make it possible. And if this community has tended to your spirit this year – brought you joy, meaning, purpose, or hope – we hope that you’ll make a pledge to keep it going in the coming year. Our goal for 2021 is $62,500 in congregational pledges, a goal we know we can reach together.

Will you please take a moment to fill out the enclosed pledge card and bring it with you to worship on October 25th or mail it back to the church? Or, for your convenience, you can find an electronic pledge card in the weekly email beginning this week! If you’re able, please consider increasing your pledge from last year, in recognition of the folks in our community who have lost jobs or income this year.

We’ve all heard the words “more than ever” more than ever this year. It’s true that your gifts are essential in this unusual moment. But it’s also true that Bethany ministers every year  to those who are sick, dying, grieving, lonely, and in crisis; those who are searching for God and searching for a way forward. Every year feels like the hardest year for someone, the time when they need the care and support of a community like ours. That’s why Bethany was built 125 years ago. That’s why we keep it going.    


Rev. Vince Amlin

Pledging FAQ

What is a pledge?

A pledge is a commitment to give a certain amount of money over the coming year. It’s a way of sharing your plan for giving with the church so that the church can make decisions about how it budgets and spends. (Since it’s a plan, we know that sometimes plans change, and that number may decrease or increase based on your circumstances.)

How do I pledge?

Just fill out the card included in the letter you got in the mail and bring it to church on October 25th (or send it back in the mail or fill out an electronic pledge card). Then, you can either sign up for automatic online giving or you can give by check or cash. If you prefer to give by cash or check, you’ll receive a box of offering envelopes that can help us track your cash giving. 

How much should I pledge?

How much you pledge is up to you. Think about an amount that feels both meaningful and doable. Some people at Bethany give a few hundred dollars. Some give many thousands of dollars. The average pledge is between $2000-3000. We consider giving money away to the church (and to other charitable causes) as a spiritual practice, helping us understand all that we have as coming from and belonging to God and teaching us generosity and what is truly important. Like all spiritual practices, you start somewhere, and grow from there.

Do I have to pledge to be part of Bethany?

No! We encourage anyone who finds meaning and value in being part of this community to make a pledge. But whether you pledge or not, Bethany and all its programs are here for you. Most people won’t know whether you pledge or not. And as your pastors, we’ll never treat you differently based on how you give. Pledging isn’t money we pay for the privilege of membership or to receive services. It’s money we give away in gratitude for everything we have received.