Work-in-progress: 2021 Pledge Campaign

Here’s the thing you have to know about me as your pastor. I’m always the most pessimistic one in a meeting. The one who can come up with all the reasons to doubt, to worry about what could go wrong.

Luckily, I’m not in charge here.

When I first met with Wyatt this summer about our budget, I said I thought we should keep our pledge goal the same: $62,500. Maybe 65. He asked me, “How much did we pledge last year?” I looked it up: $71,130.

“Then why would we set our goal so low?”

For our first four pledge campaigns with you, our goal was always $60,000. Dean insisted we keep it to try to inspire the congregation, even though we hadn’t reached it in a long time. And then we did reach it. And then we reached it again. And then we blew it out of the water.

And the truth is sometimes I forget. Sometimes I get stuck back in that place of who we have been. But we’re not that church anymore. We are growing and changing.

We’re a work in progress. We’re not where we were. And we’re not yet where we’re going.

And it is work. You all do so much to make this community what it is. You host coffee hours. You call roofing companies. You lead kids on hikes. You attend Zoom meetings. You sand and stain doors. You feed hungry people. You pick refugee families up at the airport. You check in on one another. You pray for each other. It’s a lot of work.

And we’re making progress. Not just in the numbers, but in creating a community that truly cares for one another and for our neighbors. This year we raised enough to not only sponsor our current refugee family, but to sponsor the next one! We helped Here to Stay buy the first house in its land trust, beginning the work of creating generational affordable housing in our city. We provided distanced and in-person Sunday School experiences for more than 20 kids! 

The list could go on and on, but this letter is already getting long!

We’ve set ourselves a goal for 2022 that makes me nervous. $74,000 in pledges. But everything makes me nervous. And the truth is: we can do this.

As you consider your pledge for 2022, you can think about all the work this campaign will take. The work you’ll do to earn the money you give to Bethany. And all the work you already do to make this thing go.

But also think about the progress. Think about the lives that are being changed. The hope that is being spread. The meaning of what we make here. Not only for us but for our community and for the world. 

We are on the journey. But there’s so much further we can go together. Please give generously, and we can keep making progress.

In optimism,

Rev. Vince Amlin

PS - Please fill out a pledge card and bring it to worship, or fill out the online pledge card available each week in your bulletin.

And now: some FAQs about pledging!

If you’ve never pledged before or never understood pledging, here’s a little FAQ. Both pastors and our council members are also available to answer any questions!

What is a pledge?

A pledge is a commitment to give a certain amount of money over the coming year. It’s a way of sharing your plan for giving with the church so that the church can make decisions about how it budgets and spends. (Since it’s a plan, we know that sometimes plans change, and that number may decrease or increase based on your circumstances.)

How do I pledge?

Just fill out the card included in this letter and bring it to church (or use the one stuffed in your bulletin every week for the next month!) Then, you can either sign up for automatic online giving through our website, Or you can give by check or cash. You’ll receive a box of offering envelopes that can help us track your cash giving. 

How much should I pledge?

How much you pledge is up to you. Think about an amount that feels meaningful and doable. Some people at Bethany give a few hundred dollars. Some give many thousands of dollars. The average pledge is between $2000-3000. But any amount is helpful.

Do I have to pledge to be part of Bethany?

No. We encourage anyone who finds meaning and value in being part of this community to make a pledge. But whether you pledge or not, Bethany and all its programs are here for you. Most people won’t know whether you pledge or not. And as your pastors, we’ll never treat you differently based on how you give. Pledging isn’t money we pay for the privilege of membership or to receive services. It’s money we give away in gratitude for everything we have received.